Hegulu Right Brain Creativity

Can the abilities cultivated at HEGURU still be used when you become older?

Yes. That is one of our major objectives, “to cultivate ability that can be utilized even when you become older”.

More often than not, we hear “Child prodigies do not grow into adult genius.”

The reason why we have numerous programs other than our regular standard classes at HEGURU is to root down the abilities once developed.  The abilities will continue to flourish during the process of their growth; in junior high school, high school, and then through college. The more opportunities to practice the skills, the more it will evolve, making it stable and stay through adulthood.

Recommend Question

  1. Can adults develop to utilize the right brain?

  2. Will IQ scores go up?

  3. Can we really expect improvement just by attending class once a week?

  4. How is it different from other schools?

  5. What is the distinct difference from other children’s schools?

  6. My child is restless and I am worried if he would not cause problems in class.

  7. My child has delayed speech.

  8. Can you share with us information about former HEGURU students and how they are …