Hegulu Right Brain Creativity

Earlier the better? (Can infants start before his first birthday?)

First of all, we advise mothers to start before birth, during the fetus stage. After birth, the first year of the infant is regarded as the “brain’s golden stage of development” and is the best period to create the foundation of his brain. Therefore we recommend starting around the time the baby can support his own head up.

Recommend Question

  1. Will IQ scores go up?

  2. Can we expect results from any child?

  3. Could the abilities be used in fields other than in studies?

  4. We are thinking of having our child take admission exams for primary school. Wha…

  5. When would be the best time to start?

  6. I have attended other right brain schools with no impact at all. Can I expect so…

  7. What is the distinct difference from other children’s schools?

  8. My child is restless and I am worried if he would not cause problems in class.