Hegulu Right Brain Creativity

Can we expect results from any child?

First of all, let us say that improvement in the areas of memory and concentration can be expected from every single child.

Let us keep in mind that all children have differences in capabilities and therefore the results will not be identical. However, in an overall sense, every single student displays improvement in his own way. In some cases, the parents desire results in a single aspect, making them blind to see progress their children had made in other areas. In situations like this, we as professionals, guide the parents so they can comprehend the developing process. Eventually, the parents will see that everything will fall in place, and in the end will see their children bloom.

Recommend Question

  1. Can adults develop to utilize the right brain?

  2. Earlier the better? (Can infants start before his first birthday?)

  3. I learned about HEGURU after my child entered primary school. Is it too late to …

  4. How is it different from other schools?

  5. My child has delayed speech.

  6. What is Hado-reading? Can anybody do it? Can adults do it too?

  7. How many of the children become capable of Hado reading?

  8. Are “ Hado-reading” and “Speed-reading” 2 different things?