Hegulu Right Brain Creativity

Is it true that children can begin developing their right brain simply by attending lessons, 42 times a year?

Yes, children can start to develop their right brain by attending the 42 regular lessons per year. However, for more effective results, we recommend attending the “PAD / Potential Ability Development Course”.

Right brain development is not an overnight task. By attending this intense concentrated 2 to 4 day course, it will without doubt promise the development of the right brain. At HEGURU, there are numerous programs such as this.

Recommend Question

  1. Can we expect results from any child?

  2. Can the abilities cultivated at HEGURU still be used when you become older?

  3. When would be the best time to start?

  4. How long would it take to start seeing results?

  5. Earlier the better? (Can infants start before his first birthday?)

  6. I learned about HEGURU after my child entered primary school. Is it too late to …

  7. How is it different from other schools?

  8. I have attended other right brain schools with no impact at all. Can I expect so…